
Region: Asia and Oceania

Classification of economies by geographic region is based on that of the United Nations Statistics Division.

High Income

Based on the income levels set out by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in its Global Competitiveness Report. However, the groupings are slightly different due to the numbers of economies covered. For GEM, the low income group contains both those classified as low income and lower middle by WEF, and the middle income group has those that WEF groups as upper middle. High income is the same for both GEM and WEF.

Population: 5.6 million (2018)

Population data is from the World Bank, except Palestinian Territories World Population Review and Taiwan Worldometers

GDP Growth: 4% (2017)

GDP growth data is from the World Economic Outlook Database, except Palestinian Territories Worldometers

GDP Per Capita: $59,990 (2017)

GDP per capita data is from the World Economic Outlook Database, except Palestinian Territories Worldometers

Singapore Reports

Report information
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: English
  • Upload date: 2015-08-18

  • This report illustrates the current entrepreneurship landscape in Singapore, using data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for the year 2014, in comparison to those from the years 2011 to 2013. Entrepreneurial scene in Singapore remains vibrant and lively. With consistently high Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) rates that remain above 10% for the past three years, Singapore continues to rank among the top few entrepreneurial nations in the world. Singapore is also among the leading innovation-driven nations to utilize the latest technology, and to have a large number of customers based overseas amongst new businesses.
  • URL:
GEM Singapore 2014 Report
Report information
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: English
  • Upload date: 2015-03-27

  • The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is the largest annual international research initiative that collects and analyses data about various forms of entrepreneurial activity, providing valuable insights into the state of entrepreneurship within and across different economies around the world. These insights are particularly relevant to Singapore, where the success of its innovation-driven financial system is largely dependent on the economic activities of its citizens.
    In this report, we describe the key definitions and terms used in the GEM and summarize the key findings of the GEM Singapore 2013. Wherever possible, we draw comparisons with findings from 2011 and 2012 reports, and with other developed countries or those located near Singapore. 

  • URL:
GEM Singapore 2013 Report
Report information
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: English
  • Upload date: 2015-03-27

  • This report illustrates the current entrepreneurship landscape in Singapore using data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for the year 2012. Singapore continues to strive towards a vibrant and entrepreneurial nation. With 21.4% of the surveyed population intending to start a business within the next three years, Singapore ranks among the top few entrepreneurial nations in the world. 11.6% are currently starting or have recently started their new businesses, as indicated by the Total Entrepreneurial Activity rate (TEA) in 2012.


  • URL:
GEM Singapore 2012 Report
Report information
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: English
  • Upload date: 2015-03-27

  • This report illustrates the current entrepreneurship landscape in Singapore using data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for the year 2011. Singapore continues to strive towards a vibrant and entrepreneurial nation. With 15.3% of the surveyed population intending to start a business within the next three years, Singapore ranks among the top five innovation-driven (developed) economies. A further 6.6% are currently starting or have recently started their new businesses, as indicated by the Total Entrepreneurial Activity rate (TEA) in 2011.

  • URL:
GEM Singapore 2011 Report
Report information
GEM Singapore 2006 Report