The context of this second report by Labex Entreprendre is different. While the effects of the public health crisis were less marked in 2022, entrepreneurs faced the consequences of the war in Ukraine, in particular an energy crisis and supply chain disruption. The economic situation may seem ambivalent, with on the one hand a spectacular rise in the number of business failures (49.9% between 2021 and 2022, Cabinet Altares, 2023), an acceleration in inflation and rising interest rates, and on the other significant growth in GDP (2.6%), the lowest unemployment rate in 14 years (7.2%), and a record number of businesses created (1,071,900, INSEE, 2023). This latest report helps us understand changes in entrepreneurial activity and its determining factors as well as the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem. It draws on two studies, one conducted on the French population aged 18 to 64 (APS) and the other involving a panel of experts (NES). Beyond our analysis of the determining factors and effects of entrepreneurial activity, we wanted to highlight three major issues: parity, youth and sustainable development. For the majority of indicators, a comparison was made with the results from 2021 in order to identify trends and changes in entrepreneurial activity in France. A comparison was also made with the other G7 countries (except Italy, absent from the APS in 2022) and the 22 richest economies among the 51 nations that participated in the GEM study in 2022.