What is the state of entrepreneurship education? In a GEM webinar (access recording), GEM Global Report co-author Steve Hill provided answers to this and many other questions. He shared analysis as to why entrepreneurial education scores were rated as the weakest of GEM's Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions in 31 out of 49 economies.
Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Alshukaili, Head of the Entrepreneurship Center at the University of Nizwa, provided perspectives on how Oman is encouraging entrepreneurship education across different levels.
Raphael Gaudart from GEM Switzerland shared an overview of ADOpreneurs, a week-long immersion into the world entrepreneurship for teenagers that takes place at the School of Management, Fribourg.
The webinar was moderated by GEM Executive Director Aileen Ionescu-Somers.
The slides from the presentation can be accessed at this link.