United Arab Emirates

Region: Asia and Oceania

Classification of economies by geographic region is based on that of the United Nations Statistics Division.

High Income

Based on the income levels set out by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in its Global Competitiveness Report. However, the groupings are slightly different due to the numbers of economies covered. For GEM, the low income group contains both those classified as low income and lower middle by WEF, and the middle income group has those that WEF groups as upper middle. High income is the same for both GEM and WEF.

Population: 9.4 million (2018)

Population data is from the World Bank, except Palestinian Territories World Population Review and Taiwan Worldometers

GDP Growth: 0.8% (2017)

GDP growth data is from the World Economic Outlook Database, except Palestinian Territories Worldometers

GDP Per Capita: $43,939 (2005)

GDP per capita data is from the World Economic Outlook Database, except Palestinian Territories Worldometers

United Arab Emirates Reports

Report information
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: English
  • Upload date: 2019-04-11

  • 2017 is the sixth year that GEM has tracked in the UAE rates of entrepreneurship activity and assessed the characteristics, motivations, and ambitions of entrepreneurs, the attitudes of UAE society towards entrepreneurship and the quality of its entrepreneurial ecosystem. This report includes results based on 4000 working-age individuals (between the ages of 18 and 64 years) completing the Adult Population Survey (APS) and 36 experts completing the National Experts Survey (NES)
  • URL: https://gemconsortium.org/index.php/report/50252
GEM UAE 2017-2018 National Report
Report information
GEM UAE National Report
Report information
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: English
  • Upload date: 2015-03-27

  • This report examines key aspects of entrepreneurship among Emiratis measuring their attitudes, activities, and aspirations. It reveals that Emiratis have positive attitudes towards entrepreneurship with nearly 80 per cent perceiving entrepreneurship as a good career choice and 60 per cent seeing good opportunities to start a new venture in the short term. However, only 50 per cent believe that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to start a business.

  • URL: https://gemconsortium.org/index.php/report/48594
GEM UAE - Entrepreneurship - An Emirati Perspective
Report information
GEM UAE 2009 Report
Report information
GEM UAE 2006 Report